
Hearts & Arrows *banners & cards* | AWW

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Welcome to the 2014 *February* edition of the Artisan Wednesday WOW Blog Hop.  Check back every Wednesday to see new projects that all 10 of the Stampin' Up! Artisans have created. 

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Did you see my facebook project for the Stampin' Up! board?  In case you missed it, here it is:

I love banners.  Ok, let's be honest, I pretty much love ANYTHING that has been strung together.  When I saw the Kaleidoscope Designer Series Paper I was mentally transported back to the 3rd grade.  These colors are SO 1992 and now 2014!!

To create this banner, just straight stitch your punched images together.
Easy peasy.   photo 2014-02-Artisan-3color_zps4afeb14d.png   photo 201402Artisan3bcopy_zps6807fc4d.jpg   photo 201402Artisan3ccopy_zps9a01ea17.jpg   photo 201402Artisan3dcopy_zpsbcc228e7.jpg

To make these super cute hearts simply punch out the heart, fold it in half, then adhere it to your card.  This way it'll create a great 3-D effect.

Stamps: Love You to the Moon
Ink: Silver Encore Metallic Pad
Paper:  Basic Gray, Silver Glimmer, Modern Medley DSP, Kaleidoscope DSP
Accessories & Tools: Small Heart Punch, Full Heart Punch, Big Shot, Hearts Collection Framelits, On Film Framelits, Glue Dots, Sponge Daubers
Other: Sewing Machine, White Thread
Order everything from my site {HERE}

Go back and visit my fantastic friend Erica's blog or move on to the next blog and visit Jeanna's.  I'm so lucky to be sandwiched between two of my great friends.

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What are you waiting for??
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  1. Jane, I may have thought of using hearts for a banner, but NEVER arrows! How fun is that!

  2. I noticed the sewing machine is making it's way into paper crafting. I don't sew, so I will have to come up with a different way to make these cute banners. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Can you get any cooler? Love the props and love the decor!
