
Leadership Display Stamper *banner blast* - Part 2

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Were you lucky enough to see these samples I made IN PERSON??  I wasn't able to attend Leadership this year but I was honored to make samples.  Keep checking back because I'll post a few projects a day.  I won't post recipes so if you'd like to know what products were used in a project, just leave a comment.  Leave a comment anyway.  It's always fun to see what you think.

I hope you enjoy my samples created with the Sale-A-Bration set: Banner Blast 

I have to admit that this stamp set is my favorite BY FAR!  I hope you enjoy my samples.

And this is my second favorite stamp set.  I just love the simplicity of it.  Eeeep!

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Still loving these projects.
Order the items used to create these projects from my site {HERE}

Go through the blog roll to see what everyone made.  I promise that you won't want to miss anything!
     photo Artisan-Leadership-Blog-Roll_zpsa903ab65.png
  1. Alanna Wharf
  2. Becky Cowley
  3. Cathy Caines
  4. Cindy Schuster
  5. Connie Collins
  6. Erica Cerwin
  7. Jane Lee ← You are HERE!!
  8. Jeanna Bohanon
  9. Jen Timko
  10. Mercedes Weber
Now you can feel like you were at Leadership.  Well, at least you can pretend you saw the inspiration boards.

 Do you follow me on Pinterest?  You can.
Follow Me on Pinterest 

Did you order your Paper Pumpkin yet?
Full project kits delivered straight to your door.
What are you waiting for??
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